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About Us

We provide comprehensive NHS primary care services to help you manage your health and well-being. This section contains information about our practice.

Our Vision

A community in which all people achieve their full potential for health and well-being across their lifespan.  

Our Mission

To provide the best possible outcomes for our patients in a safe and welcoming environment being approachable, respectful and patient-centred. 

Being a Centre of Excellence for teaching and training of medical students, GP Registrars and Nurses. 

Using technology smartly to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our administration, patient contact and clinical activity. 

To invest in our staff, diversifying and developing our skills and knowledge base to ensure that we have a highly skilled, resilient and adaptable work force to meet the needs of our patients and communities.  

To support further medical advances through proactive engagement with research projects. 

To collaborate and work in partnership to strengthen community links and respond to local, regional and national initiatives. 

Our Values

Quality: Strive to provide the highest quality of care that meets the identified needs of our patients.

Compassion: Whilst assessing and responding to needs of our patients.

Respect: Treating our patients and staff with courtesy, dignity and respect at all times.   

Justice: We will treat all fairly and be especially supportive to the vulnerable.   

Integrity: Speaking and acting truthfully and being accountable for our actions.

Involvement: Supporting our patients to make decisions to improve and maintain their health.

Teamwork: Working as a team to improve the efficiency of every team member.

Sustainability: Operating on a financially sound basis. Striving to be environmental friendly